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'I can't' is Just Another Way of Saying 'I Wont!'

'I can't' is just another way of saying 'I won't' 

I've raised my kids under this mantra and while it rolls sort of nonchalantly off my tongue and seems to carry very little weight or value when interacting with them, Its grown to represent a long-standing but ever developing drive in me. It's quite likely that thing that stands between the 'haves' and the 'have not's'! And I'm not necessarily speaking exclusively about financial success - but truly any success requires an 'I can' response no matter the circumstances and despite the obstacles.

As a nonprofit leader, I request that all issues are coupled with a solution as well as the explanation as to how the person will be assisting to implement that solution. I'm always pressing for ownership, accountability, and responsibility for the outcomes. We all have the potential to be the guy, sitting on the sidelines with a huge opinion during or following the execution of a big project. But that guy adds no value to the production of success. In fact, that guy is just a bundle of noise. Block that guy out. Success comes from participation in the process of obtaining it! Only those who put in the work can participate in the claiming of the outcomes. That means, that as a participant, you are sticking your neck out there and risking feedback from the many 'that guys' with an opinion. Trust me, it's worth the risk! Be bold!

As I take this same philosophy into my network marketing business, I realize that it helps me to identify who will and wont be successful - just yet! I mean just yet when I say it because I was a not yet kind of gal many times before I wasn't. I was offered my current network marketing opportunity for about a year before exploring it closer.  I can see both versions of me in those I speak to.  So what are we looking for? It's worth reaching out and dropping seeds with the 'not yet' people. However, to really grow your team you need to learn how to recognize the super stars! What we are looking for are the 'I can' folks!

As network marketers we often think that we are looking to provide a solution to a problem. This is true! but the person with the problem must want the solution. 'I can't' folks will respond to your solution with, "I can't! I don't have time" or "I can't afford it" or "I can't! I'm not a sales person!" or "I can't! I've tried before and it didn't work for me" and so on and so on! The excuses are endless and they all really just mean one thing, "I won't!"  'I can't' means 'I won't' because if 'you will' then 'you could' and 'you would'!  The 'I can't' folks can be spotted well before you ever invite them to the solution. They are the ones on your social media feed who are always leading with their problems, their frustrations, and general discontentment with life. Nothing ever works out in their favor. They are trapped. Restricted. Confined!

You are searching for those who can and therefore, those who will! These folks are equally as easy to find! Their feeds are filled with triumph and perseverance. These are mom's tending to sick children with a great attitude, continuing their education, combating illnesses, working three jobs to make ends meet and in general celebrating life! These are the folks who know opportunity when they see it because, it takes looking for it to recognize it. They are solution seekers, risers and fallers, and get back up againers! They can and they will! These are the leaders you seek for your team!

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